My Blog group

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Do violent movies, video games make teens aggressive?
For my blog post this week I choose to write about Do violent movies, games make teens aggressive? There was a study of 22 boys 14 to 17. Each participant watched clips of violent scenes from 60 different videos, which included movies. Researchers could observe their brain function because each boy watched these scenes while in a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scanner. This study looks at how teenagers' brains specifically respond to violent media, said Jordan Grafman, senior investigator at the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.
WOW, let’s not overcomplicate things, Video games are fun and movies are fun to watch. I think sometimes researcher don’t have anything better to do then research about violent video games and movies with violence. I think that these researchers should put their brains to better research projects. I’m a girl and I’ve played Video games with violence for years and I love to watch action movies, I’m differently not angry of aggressive. I also have a little brother who is always playing call of duty 2 and he is the top of his class, plays sports and is the nicest kid. I think that parents shouldn’t run to the researchers or doctors advice first. I think they should play the games and they actually might see how fun they are, instead of jumping right to the conclusion that they will turn their kids into some violent aggressive kid. I also believe there is so much other bad stuff out like drugs, alcohol, gangs and if your kid wants to stay home with some friends where you can keep an eye on them then why not. This issue has always kind of made me mad, someone wants to take the fun away, and I don’t think its right. These researchers should maybe try to play some video games and they might just realize that it’s actually fun.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that video games are ok. But I think that children should be monitored by their parents. Most things are ok in moderation and I think video games fall into that category. I do think that children should play age appropriate games. As for the games making them violent, I don't think that they do any more than the television shows, or anything else that kids are exposed to. It is the parents job to control how much and what they play.
