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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Get some sleep: No Snoring is safe

Get some sleep: No Snoring is safe

For my blog entry I’m writing about how no snoring is safe. Both my grandpa’s always snored so badly I remember. My grandparents even had separate bedrooms because of my grandpa’s snoring. I have learned that snoring can be a serious sign of sleep apnea and sleep apnea increases the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, diabetes and obesity. I work in a hospital and I think people don’t really realize how dangerous snoring really is. Its more than just nudging or kicking the person in bed to make them stop snoring, we all know that only last a couple of minutes till they start up again.
            Sleep apnea is a collapse of the upper airway during sleep that leads to frequent mini-awakenings of which the patient is rarely aware. It often causes a lowering of the oxygen levels. Another interesting study I found was published in SLEEP in 2008, showed that people who displayed loud snoring throughout the night during a sleep test were 10 times more likely to have carotid atherosclerosis, which means plague buildup in the carotid arteries of their neck. This is a major risk factor for stroke. So snoring is pretty serious and if you do snore you should get it checked out if could save your life.

Geese, cookies and iPods: Try buying gifts that give back

Geese, cookies and iPods: Try buying gifts that give back

For my blog post and it the season for giving I’m choosing to write about If you want to feel twice as nice about holiday gift giving, try donating to a charity. About half of American adults say they will give money to charity this holiday, an increase from 29 percent in 2009, according to a November study from  world vision, a Christian humanitarian organization. The survey was conducted by Harris Interactive, a polling company.
I think that giving back at the holidays is huge. My family and I also do donate to charities in town here. I donate my old clothing to goodwill and try to help families with kids who maybe don’t get to have Christmas like I’ve always gotten. I’m truly blessed by all the things I have and feel very lucky. So I always try to give back an anyway possible. I’ve donated a lot of my old toys and my brother’s old toys. Maybe when he gets a little older he will understand what where I’m coming from. I also believe that some of the best gifts don’t have to cost money. Even helping families with everyday tasks or anything they need is much more rewarding then just buying something.

Since 2005, Global Goods Partners has worked with artists around the world to sell their crafts.
Obama signs child nutrition bill

For this blog Entry I’m writing about President Barack Obama signing a sweeping overhaul of child nutrition standards Monday, enacting a law meant to encourage better eating habits in part by giving the federal government more authority to set standards for food sold in vending machines and elsewhere on school grounds. The $4.5 billion measure provides more money to poor areas to subsidize free meals and requires schools to abide by health guidelines drafted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
I think this is a really great idea since nutrition is really important. I remember when I was in middle and high school and there was always a ton of junk food in the lunch room. I mean they served pizza everyday as a chose. As I got older I now really think we should get the junk food out of the schools. The obesity rate is so high anyways and healthy food can be as tasty as junk food. So I defiantly agree with President Barack Obama on this one.  
Senate could vote today on tax deal