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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Get some sleep: No Snoring is safe

Get some sleep: No Snoring is safe

For my blog entry I’m writing about how no snoring is safe. Both my grandpa’s always snored so badly I remember. My grandparents even had separate bedrooms because of my grandpa’s snoring. I have learned that snoring can be a serious sign of sleep apnea and sleep apnea increases the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, diabetes and obesity. I work in a hospital and I think people don’t really realize how dangerous snoring really is. Its more than just nudging or kicking the person in bed to make them stop snoring, we all know that only last a couple of minutes till they start up again.
            Sleep apnea is a collapse of the upper airway during sleep that leads to frequent mini-awakenings of which the patient is rarely aware. It often causes a lowering of the oxygen levels. Another interesting study I found was published in SLEEP in 2008, showed that people who displayed loud snoring throughout the night during a sleep test were 10 times more likely to have carotid atherosclerosis, which means plague buildup in the carotid arteries of their neck. This is a major risk factor for stroke. So snoring is pretty serious and if you do snore you should get it checked out if could save your life.

Geese, cookies and iPods: Try buying gifts that give back

Geese, cookies and iPods: Try buying gifts that give back

For my blog post and it the season for giving I’m choosing to write about If you want to feel twice as nice about holiday gift giving, try donating to a charity. About half of American adults say they will give money to charity this holiday, an increase from 29 percent in 2009, according to a November study from  world vision, a Christian humanitarian organization. The survey was conducted by Harris Interactive, a polling company.
I think that giving back at the holidays is huge. My family and I also do donate to charities in town here. I donate my old clothing to goodwill and try to help families with kids who maybe don’t get to have Christmas like I’ve always gotten. I’m truly blessed by all the things I have and feel very lucky. So I always try to give back an anyway possible. I’ve donated a lot of my old toys and my brother’s old toys. Maybe when he gets a little older he will understand what where I’m coming from. I also believe that some of the best gifts don’t have to cost money. Even helping families with everyday tasks or anything they need is much more rewarding then just buying something.

Since 2005, Global Goods Partners has worked with artists around the world to sell their crafts.
Obama signs child nutrition bill

For this blog Entry I’m writing about President Barack Obama signing a sweeping overhaul of child nutrition standards Monday, enacting a law meant to encourage better eating habits in part by giving the federal government more authority to set standards for food sold in vending machines and elsewhere on school grounds. The $4.5 billion measure provides more money to poor areas to subsidize free meals and requires schools to abide by health guidelines drafted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
I think this is a really great idea since nutrition is really important. I remember when I was in middle and high school and there was always a ton of junk food in the lunch room. I mean they served pizza everyday as a chose. As I got older I now really think we should get the junk food out of the schools. The obesity rate is so high anyways and healthy food can be as tasty as junk food. So I defiantly agree with President Barack Obama on this one.  
Senate could vote today on tax deal

Thursday, November 18, 2010

China sentences woman to labor camp for Twitter post

China sentences woman to labor camp for Twitter post

This week my blog posting I choose to write about a Chinese woman who tweeted about mocking Chinese protesters who smashed Japanese products during a recent demonstration. Five days later she was arrested by the police and sentenced to a year a Chinese labor camp for her twitter post. She also supported imprisoned Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Liu Xiaobo on Twitter.
I believe this is a bit extreme since Twitter is for expressing what is on your mind or what you are doing. I do think people need to be careful of what they do post on Twitter or anything on the web. There has been so much stuff on the news about people’s postings and then they get in trouble for how they feel. I think that common sense plays a big role in this also. You don’t need to post things that are against your government or anything that’s going to incriminate you in anyway.  This woman’s charge was disturbing social stability. Yes she probably shouldn’t have tweeted what she did but, china is a different government then the United States.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Should 9-year-old climb Mount Everest?

Should 9-year-old climb Mount Everest?Sherpa Pemba Dorje and his son Tseten say they'll climb Everest in 2011.

This week for my blog I choose to write about should a 9 year climb Mt. Everest?
I say why not, a 13-year-old from California stunned the world when he became the youngest person to summit Mount Everest. Sherpa Pemba Dorje is the kid’s father, who also holds the world record for the fastest Everest ascent 8 hours, 10 minutes. The boy and his father have been practicing for the climb by climbing Mount Ramdung, a 19,440-foot peak.
Im sure some people would disagree and say a nine year doesn’t need to be climbing Mt. Everest. Past Everest climbers have experienced motor-skill dysfunction, sleep troubles, language disassociation and other problems that may be related to depriving the brain of oxygen while climbing, experts say. Since his father is such well known climber I think the boy shouldn’t have any problems and if he’s practicing with his father he should be fine. I think it would be really neat as a young person to set new records and make history at such a young age.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

More than 20 tons of pot smuggled in border tunnel

More than 20 tons of pot smuggled in border tunnel

Every week when I post my weekly blog post for class I look on websites such as CNN, MSNBC or sometimes the La Crosse Tribune. Every week I always see the same thing “More than 20 tons of pot smuggled in border tunnel”.  Sometimes maybe more or less pot being smuggled and I think to myself does this really happen every week in the bordering states to Mexico?

“Officials have found 125 underground tunnels along the border built by Mexican drug cartels to elude detection since the early 1990s”, ICE officials said. The cartels will always keep building more every time we find just one. I get the whole war on drugs thing I do, but I feel maybe pot shouldn’t be our biggest drug we put all of our time and effort on. I understand that yes drugs do lead to violence. I give a lot of credit to those who work in law enforcement and border patrol they don’t have any easy job and they are trying the best they can to I’m not here to cut them down, but I feel like something isn’t working.
With the Technology we have today and the money these cartels have it’s as maybe we can’t win the war on drugs or I could be totally wrong. Legalizing Marijuana is a another topic in itself I don’t think all the states would agree on but, I think if maybe California tried it and for a couple of years and weighed the good and bad and look at the results maybe they would find something they didn’t know. I don’t make rules and I don’t make the laws I just think it’s time for a chance and to look down some different avenues.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Graphic anti-abortion ads air on Washington stations

This week for my blog post I choose to write about graphic anti-abortion being aired in Washington Dc. A disturbingly graphic political ad is airing on local stations in Washington this week -- and stations are telling viewers there's nothing they can do to prevent it. The ad, calling for an end to abortion, apparently shows bloody and dismembered fetuses, and has been airing over the past few days in the nation's capital, including during afternoon and early-evening time slots, when children are likely to be watching. Dugald McConnell and Brain Todd who work CNN reported this story.
My feelings on this are it shouldn’t be shown in the daytime children watching Sesame Street shouldn’t have to see such graphic images. I know it’s not against the law but let’s use some common sense people. I think abortion is a touchy subject which can be argued in both ways. I think No, the truth should be ignored but maybe air the commercial after 9pm. I think abortion shouldn’t be against the law it’s the mothers choice in the end which affects the rest of her life. It’s actually an issue I don’t like to discuss, since most people are so one sided about the issue.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Easter Morning

  Easter Morning

Waking up Easter morning you expect to hunt for your Easter basket and eat your candy until you get a belly ache. I never could image what was ahead for me. This particular Easter morning was cold and there was still a lot of snow on the ground, I couldn’t believe it; the last thing I ever imaged on Easter morning was to find my lovely dog of eleven years dead in snow bank because of a jelly bean overdose.
A girl couldn’t have asked for the most perfect puppy as a child, and eleven years later could not have asked for a worse Easter morning. Generally, as a little girl you image having a perfect puppy to dress up and haul around in a baby carriage. When I was 10 years old I was surprised with my puppy, she was a caviler King Charles spaniel and I named her Roxy because she looked like a baby fox when my mom brought her home.
Roxy and I had a special bond, Where ever I would go she would be right there with me. Every little girl in my neighborhood wanted my dog. I taught her all kinds of tricks which she mastered right away, and I would bring her to “show and tell” every chance I got. I had so much love for Roxy it was unbelievable, in a way she was like a sister I never had.
The night before Easter my mother and I would always decorate my little brother’s Easter basket together. My little brother Joey is ten years younger than me so it was fun to watch him hunt for his basket, he would get so excited. I remember Joey being so excited to hunt for his basket , when my mother put him to bed he had the biggest smile while holding his little dinosaur stuffed animal named buddy. My mother put his little Easter pajamas on him so in the morning we could take pictures of him hunting for his basket in his cute little pajamas which had big blue bunnies on them.
My dog Roxy was always hungry for some odd reason. She got fat over the years from all the “good girl” treats I would give her I couldn’t help it! She would beg constantly and get a little feisty over food. I sometimes believe, no I know, she loved food more than me.
Roxy picked up some bad habits such as cruising the house at night looking for food; you could hear her little paws on the kitchen floor every night. My mother always made sure that food was out of her reach or so thought.
while I was lying in bed I heard the little pitter patter of Roxy paws It sounded like my little brother running across the kitchen tile So I would get up to investigate.
“Roxy”, I could call and she would usually come
I called again “Roxy want a good girl treat” she would always come to that.
At first I thought maybe she jumped in bed with my parents but at that moment I heard a little “Yelp”. I couldn’t believe my eyes, Roxy had found my little brothers Easter basket. I was furious!
I yelled “Roxy you really did it this time you’re going to ruin Easter morning”!
It could be seen in Roxy’s big brown eyes that she didn’t feel good. Since Roxy and I had our special bond it was like, I could read her mind I knew what was she was feeling. I thought great, now she’s going to puke all over the floor.
I let her outside to go to the bathroom and hopefully if she did puke it would be out there I woke my mom up and explained that Roxy went and did it again, she found Joey’s Easter basket. My mother woke up in a rage; we had worked on making his basket so cute for him.
She shouted” Where is she?”
I explained, “She’s outside and I’m going back to bed.”
A few hours later I was woken by my mom gently tapping my shoulder and telling not to wake up my brother. She told me to come outside because it was probably the last time I’m going to see my dog.
I ran as fast as could in my pajamas in the dead of night to see Roxy barely breathing and her eyes almost closed. I knew this wasn’t good at all. My parents then rushed her to the vet at 2:00am in the morning while I stayed in bed wondering if she would ever to come home, I was heartbroken.
Roxy never did come home; she died a few hours later at the vet, alone. I wished I could have been there for her I’m sure she was really scared.
Later on, very early in morning, my mom told me not to tell Joey what had happened, it would break his little heart. She explained to me that Roxy had eaten a whole bag of Jellybeans and because she was a diabetic her body couldn’t handle all that sugar. She overdosed on the thing she loved most, food.
That was the worst Easter of my life, my dog died and I had to give my Easter basket to my little brother. To this day my brother believes Roxy ran away with the Easter bunny and lives in a magical place and everything turned out happily ever after.
“Yeah right, I thought to myself.”

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Do violent movies, video games make teens aggressive?
For my blog post this week I choose to write about Do violent movies, games make teens aggressive? There was a study of 22 boys 14 to 17. Each participant watched clips of violent scenes from 60 different videos, which included movies. Researchers could observe their brain function because each boy watched these scenes while in a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scanner. This study looks at how teenagers' brains specifically respond to violent media, said Jordan Grafman, senior investigator at the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.
WOW, let’s not overcomplicate things, Video games are fun and movies are fun to watch. I think sometimes researcher don’t have anything better to do then research about violent video games and movies with violence. I think that these researchers should put their brains to better research projects. I’m a girl and I’ve played Video games with violence for years and I love to watch action movies, I’m differently not angry of aggressive. I also have a little brother who is always playing call of duty 2 and he is the top of his class, plays sports and is the nicest kid. I think that parents shouldn’t run to the researchers or doctors advice first. I think they should play the games and they actually might see how fun they are, instead of jumping right to the conclusion that they will turn their kids into some violent aggressive kid. I also believe there is so much other bad stuff out like drugs, alcohol, gangs and if your kid wants to stay home with some friends where you can keep an eye on them then why not. This issue has always kind of made me mad, someone wants to take the fun away, and I don’t think its right. These researchers should maybe try to play some video games and they might just realize that it’s actually fun.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

chile miners

Chile Miners
For my blog post this week I’m choosing to write about the miners in Chile that were freed from the mine after staying 69 days trapped in a mine. There were 33 miners trapped down there but, now there are Chilean heroes.  Chile’s president explained that the larger companies have better safety standards then the smaller miner companies. He explained that this will never happen again. I feel that mining is such a dangerous job anyways shouldn’t all the standards be the same. Some of those men will face very serious problems after of the evernt,Yes they all may have been in good conduction but what may not be true two  years to come effects of mental effects, post-traumatic stress disorder or restless nights - may be felt for years to come. Someone wasn’t doing their job correctly that day and now so many men suffered because of this. This summer I went down in a mine in Colorado it wasn’t an active mine but it was 1000 feet below. It was dark, spooky, and damp. It was some place where I wouldn’t want to send the night and those men spent 69 days in one. I think it’s remarkable nobody died. These men are very brave and should be celebrated for their courage. Most people couldn’t survive in such harsh conditions I know I couldn’t. What about their family’s are there going to be taken care of if a mental illness condition pops up years later? I know the story is still unraveling but I feel these men should get some kind of benefit or something for being trapped in a mine for 69 days.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Gever Tulley's tinkering

Gever Tulley’s tinkering

For my written commutations class I had to watch a short video about tinkering. I thought to myself what does tinkering and education have to do with each other. Gever Tulley’s approach to learning is amazing; he gets kids excited about learning. I mean who really knows any 7 year olds that can build a roller coaster! I think Tulley makes really great points about the learning process, every kid learns in a different way, I know this first hand. I have a learning disability which I struggled with in elementary and middle school. I believe they shouldn’t call it a disability I have a different way of learning, and until I found the way I learned best it was really hard. I’m a hands on and visual learner, reputation also works really well. I think how Tulley makes learning fun is what makes him successful. Getting kids interested in learning is already hard enough but when you’re building tree houses and rollercoaster’s its pretty hard not to want to join in. I also really like how they look a failure. Failure is a part of ever day life and I believe you have to fail before you succeed. Tulley looks a failure by nothing ever goes how it is planned which is very true. He lets kids use their imaginations and their creative sides. While working on these projects the kids actually can see the progress and the steps getting completed. I’m also sure they like playing with all the neat power tools I differently would. I think our society responds to failure in a negative way unlike Tulley’s way of looking at failure. I agree with Tulley in that failure is a part of everyday life.  We learn from our mistakes which I think makes us a better learner. I think there are many ways to improve our education system such as letting kids learn at their own pace, when they feel confident on the subject there working on rather than just jumping to something new right away let them test out of the subject when they’re ready, everyone learns at a different pace. I also feel very strongly about how teachers teach us, I feel it’s their job to think of new and better ways to teach us. I’ve have some really great teachers think of new and interesting ways to teach new material and teachers who I think just do their job. I think that they should want to get kids excited about learning the way Tulley does. Teachers can learn by his example, by improving what they already know. I don’t think that I would want to attend Gever Tulley’s school for a couple of reasons. It seems to be that you just bulid things I need more than just using power tools and rulers. What about literature or science I see how Tulley incorporates different subjects. Also I think I would get bored with building things after a while its something that im really not interested in, a few projects would be fun but not all the time.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

labor day weekend

This past Labor Day weekend I went camping with my family up north. We usually go up north every Labor Day weekend. Some of the things we do up north are fishing, shopping and hiking. I love to hike and explore new places. I enjoy going up north very much, it's a nice way to relax and have fun with your family.

The town we went to is Hayward WI. It's a neat little town and I’ve been going there for years. They have a huge musky that you can walk in and there’s a balcony in its mouth, the big musky is a museum it’s still kind of neat. There are also a lot of neat little bars and restaurants on the different lakes around Hayward. That was my Labor day and I hoped you enjoyed you labor day as much as I did.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Intro on me

Pike's Peak
My name is Lacey Bond. I live in La Crosse WI. I am currently in college to be a RN. Some hobbies of mine are reading, running and hiking. I have a younger brother Joey and an older sister named Amanda. I just became an aunt this year so now i have a nephew named Cole. I have two great dogs named Roxy and Scout. Roxy is 11 and Scout is 1 so he's always full of energy. I also enjoy traveling very much. My two favorite places i have gone to visit are Costa Rica and the Domian Republic. This past summer i went to Coloardo, which is always amazing. I always whitewater raft when i visit there. I also went zip lineing which they call it soaring and that was also really fun,i even got to eat lunch in the trees. I went to Pike's Peak which is 14,115 feet high mountain. I went up the mountain by cog rail which took two hours but it was worth it.